Customer Request
Current packaging configuration is shared, including container type, packaging applications, and cooling materials.
Ranpak’s packaging engineers are well-versed in the requirements of the cold chain. They are standing by to help you deliver the freshest products possible to your customers while making it easy for them to reuse and recycle their packaging.
Ranpak engineers will test to improve your current packaging setup, or help you create new configurations based on the temperature and time requirements of your packaging.
Step #1
Current packaging configuration is shared, including container type, packaging applications, and cooling materials.
Step #2
Ranpak engineers prepare packaging designs based on customer specifications, developing solutions that are as efficient as possible based on the requirements.
Step #3
Ranpak’s climate room is able to replicate the temperature and humidity of any environment that a package will encounter, directly comparing the performance of different applications under the same conditions.
Step #4
Ranpak presents the most effective packaging designs from testing to the customer, demonstrating the test results as well as sharing the recommended packaging techniques, box configurations, and cold packs for optimal performance.
The international Safe Transit Association (ISTA) provides science-based standardized testing profiles that can be used to compare the performance of different containers designs. Ranpak engineers will use these test profiles as well as customized testing profiles based on customer requirements to develop ideal packaging solutions.
Testing profiles include Summer and Winter temperature ranges complete with variable humidity, as well as local climate simulations, and even stress testing for extreme conditions.
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