The E-Commerce Packaging Trends We’re Watching in 2022

Blog Post

What trends are influencing e-commerce customers?

During the 2021 holiday season, we gathered data on how consumers in the US, UK, Japan, Germany, and France participated in e-commerce, as well as what their plans and preferences were around packaging going into 2022. What we found shows that the popularity of sustainable packaging options to replace plastic is consistent, and will continue to influence how customers interact with businesses in the future.

  • Up to 92% of consumers had packages delivered last holiday season.
  • In 2022, 63% of Americans plan to do more online shopping, and 46% plan to order more food.
  • 62% of Japanese are more likely to purchase from those that offer plastic free options at checkout than those that do not.
  • When asked, 85% of UK and German consumers declared their preference for paper packaging over plastic, and 81% of UK consumers would be more likely to make repeat purchases from businesses that shipped sustainably than those that did not.

Ultimately, consumers are ready to back up their preferences for more eco-friendly packaging with their wallets and reward the brands that listen to them with loyalty and repeat business.

Check out the complete infographic below.

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