Discover Why Paper is the Sustainable Alternative to Foam-in-Place

78% of consumers wish that brands used paper instead of plastic for
in-the-box packaging.

Foam-in-place solutions are commonly used for cushioning goods in transit, however their impact on the workplace and the environment is misaligned with their brief useful life.

As the need for sustainable options grows, paper is the ideal renewable option to protect fragile products in transit from warehouse to doorstep, offering a light weight, curbside recyclable, easily stored solution.

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • What foam packaging is made out of and its impact on the planet
  • How paper outperforms foam-in-place packaging in head-to-head drop testing
  • How to integrate paper into your warehouse operation in 5 easy steps

Download our white paper to learn how to best protect your products while protecting efficiency, your employees, and the environment.

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